Apartment 13 Gallery

Apartment 13 Gallery






How to Install a
CityBank into an 
Old Brick Building

Press Release


This apartment is so crowded, it has four rooms that barely fit one person each. Without a doubt this was at one time a normal attic, but now it’s been converted into a crammed space for college kids. Reminds me of the historic building laws in Providence. If a building is a certain number of years old, it’s considered by the state to be historic and isn’t allowed to be torn down or rebuilt. You can only interiorly renew. That is just what this apartment is, interiorly renewed to accelerate the collection of rent checks. Similar to how they turned that old Italian restaurant down the street into a CitiBank. Nothing about the architecture speaks CitiBank either, they just installed it into this really really old brick building.

—Joshua K.Y. Boulos

Joshua Boulos

Brian Chippendale

Rafael Delacruz

Devin Flynn

Wiley Guillot

Lauren Levette

Chris Millic

Nathan Newman

Travess Smalley

Jesse Sullivan

Julia Yerger
Michael Bussell

Jacob Ciocci

Wallace Dibble

Myls Forte

Colin Harvey

Parker Loris-

Patricio Morocho

Justin Ortiz

Emma Soucek

Augustina Wang

Lee Capuzzo

Zack Davey

Pamela Fernandez

Aventa Garden

Erika Hickle

Satchel McCarthy

Henry Newman

Sara Park

Joe Speier

Harrison Wyrick

How to Install a
CityBank into an 
Old Brick Building


Press Release


This apartment is so crowded, it has four rooms that barely fit one person each. Without a doubt this was at one time a normal attic, but now it’s been converted into a crammed space for college kids. Reminds me of the historic building laws in Providence. If a building is a certain number of years old, it’s considered by the state to be historic and isn’t allowed to be torn down or rebuilt. You can only interiorly renew. That is just what this apartment is, interiorly renewed to accelerate the collection of rent checks. Similar to how they turned that old Italian restaurant down the street into a CitiBank. Nothing about the architecture speaks CitiBank either, they just installed it into this really really old brick building

—Joshua K.Y. Boulos

Joshua Boulos

Michael Bussell

Lee Capuzzo

Brian Chippendale

Jacob Ciocci

Zack Davey

Rafael Delacruz

Wallace Dibble

Pamela Fernandez

Devin Flynn

Myls Forte

Aventa Garden

Wiley Guillot

Colin Harvey

Erika Hickle

Lauren Levette

Parker Loris-Underkoffler

Satchel McCarthy

Chris Millic

Patricio Morocho

Henry Newman

Nathan Newman

Justin Ortiz

Sara Park

Travess Smalley

Emma Soucek

Joe Speier

Jesse Sullivan

Augustina Wang

Harrison Wyrick

Julia Yerger